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Terms of Service

Goddess Flow International Inc.

Deanna ૐ  Dhyana

Divine Dance Embodiment Priestess, emPower Coach, Intuitive Flow Artist, Chakra Healing Goddess

2121 Biscayne Blvd #2048, Miami, FL 33137

Phone:  ‪(251) 333-8562‬ 


Client Agreement and Disclosure Statement 

Thank you for your interest in working with Goddess Flow International Inc. You knowingly purchase services and use this site, including any platforms online or offline related to Goddess Flow International and Deanna ૐ  Dhyana or its affiliates, at your own discretion understanding that all sales are final and non-refundable unless otherwise stated. You acknowledge that exchanges are possible only if otherwise stated or agreed upon.

By entering the Goddess Flow International site, affiliates, accessing Goddess Flow International content, or engaging in the Goddess Flow International or facilitator community in any way, online or in-person, you expressly acknowledge that you have read, understood, and taken steps to thoughtfully consider the consequences of the User Agreement, that you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of the User Agreement, and that you are legally competent to enter into the User Agreement and Arbitration Provision with Goddess Flow International, Inc.


You understand all sessions through any medium used, is not a substitute for medical, financial, legal, or psychological counseling and agree to use services for educational, spiritual, and entertainment purposes only. You remove all liability from Goddess Flow International site and affiliates for any direct, indirect, or other damages arising from the advice you receive and take full responsibility for your own actions and decisions.


You agree to hold Goddess Flow International, its agents, coaches, and affiliated harmless, defend and indemnify Goddess Flow International, from and against any liability caused by or connected to your use of the Sites or Social Medias, Services, Programs, Courses, without exception, including claims, losses, damages, litigation costs, judgments, suits, and fees of every kind and nature, known and unknown, foreseeable and unforeseeable, disclosed and undisclosed.


 The Site and Services are available only to eligible persons at least eighteen (18) years old and are fully capable of forming legally binding contracts under applicable law.




By using this site and/or services you agree AND:

You understand you have a reasonable right to privacy; you understand Goddess Flow International, INC. keeps your data confidential. Still, you know it is up to you to protect your privacy in social settings, such as on YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, Tiktok, and other social platforms.


You understand that any purchases of an online access link to your personalized services is the content of Goddess Flow International site and is intellectual content. You don't share your downloadable services, because you understand that Goddess Flow International site and affiliates reveals private details in coaching sessions and respect the right to the same privacy offered to you.


Users have a reasonable right to privacy; however due to the public nature of Goddess Flow International's social network, it is up to the user to maintain and protect said privacy on their own.


Goddess Flow International owns all rights, title, and interest in Services, the Site, and content shared on social platforms. This includes all recording, readings, recordings of sessions, and any other paid or free Services. Goddess Flow International reserves the right to share, copy, tag, and otherwise use all content created by coaches and employees on the Site and on social platforms on the basis of intellectual property.



Users may receive emails, text messages, notifications, and social media outreach throughout their experience with Goddess Flow International. Many users will receive free information, entertainment, advice, and other products or services through Goddess Flow International; additionally, users may also become clients who purchase services and goods. All of these free offerings, goods, and services will be referred to as “Services”.

 You know that Goddess Flow International, INC., offers alternative holistic healing arts services, and does not give medical advice. While services offer a high level of healing and empowerment for the mind, body, and soul, this is a spiritual practice that is not medical in nature and is not governed under the law of man. You do not ask Goddess Flow International site and affiliates to diagnose illnesses, or request assistance regarding pregnancy, birth, or death.

All clients assume services knowingly at their own risks and discretion. 


Please be advised Goddess Flow International Inc. offers services solely as an alternative health care practitioner and you should discuss any recommendations made during your session with your primary care physician, obstetrician, physician, obstetrician, gynecologist, oncologist, cardiologist, pediatrician, or other board-certified physician at your own discretion. The State of Florida does not license, certify, or register alternative health care practitioners.  While we have divine experience as a healing arts practitioner, we are not a psychologist, psychotherapist, physician, or other licensed health care professional.  We only offer my services as requested and agreed upon by our clients.   


While clients report positive outcomes in using our services, please note that it’s impossible to guarantee any specific results and we don’t know how you will personally respond to using the healing arts methods. However, we will work together to achieve the best possible results for you.   


When using the Goddess Flow Healing arts programs you understand we are not “diagnosing” or “treating” the physical body, which is the domain of the medical field and other allied health care professionals.  You understand there is a distinction between “chakra healing” and the practice of medicine or any other licensed health care practice.  Further, you understand the services offered and the use of the chakra healing arts are not intended to be a substitute for medical or psychological treatment and they do not replace the services of health care professionals.  You agree and understand it is your responsibility to consult with your health care provider for any specific health care problems.  In addition, you understand that any information shared during our sessions is not to be considered a recommendation that you stop seeing any of your health care professionals or using prescribed medication, if any, without consulting with your health care professional, even if after working together it appears and indicates that such medication or treatment is unnecessary.  


By using Goddess Flow Intentional services  you agree that I have disclosed to you sufficient information to enable you to decide to undergo or forgo the services we offer.  You have considered all of the above information and have obtained whatever information or professional advice you deem necessary to make an informed decision.   You understand we are offering services solely as a alternative health care practitioner and our relationship is not to be construed as medical treatment, psychotherapy, psychological counseling, or any type of therapy, nor is it a substitute for these services.   You acknowledge that we have discussed and you understand, all policies herein.

You understand it is your responsibility to maintain a relationship with a health care professional.  Further, you understand your consent to the nature of our sessions is given voluntarily, without coercion, and may be withdrawn at any time in the future.  You represent that you are competent and able to understand the nature and consequences of the proposed sessions and agree to be personally responsible for the fees related thereto.  You have discussed with us the nature of the services to be provided and you understand that we are not a licensed, registered, or certified health care provider in the State of Florida.  You agree and understand that this Agreement is intended to be a complete unconditional release of liability and assumption of risk to the greatest extent permitted by law.  By agreeing to these terms of service, you knowingly, voluntarily, and intelligently assume these risks and risks and agree to irrevocably release, indemnify, hold harmless and defend Goddess Flow International Inc. and its agents, representatives, consultants, and employees from and against any and all claims of whatsoever kind or nature, and for any loss, damage, or injury, including but not limited to, financial, personal, emotional, psychological, medical, or otherwise which you may incur arising at any time out of on in connection with any and all sessions you partake of online or offline.

Photo Release

By agreeing to the terms of service you are granting permission and exclusive rights for video and photo of you to be used for promotional purposes to promote Goddess Flow International Inc. for media captured during sessions online or offline, as well as any media sent in by clients for testimonial purposes. This media once captured or received becomes the property of Goddess Flow International Inc. and you agree to any content captured or received by you to be used for the purposes of promoting Goddess Flow International Inc.




100% of the booking is due at the time of scheduling. If you reschedule before 72 hours of the booking date, there will be a rescheduling fee of 50% of the total booking for a new date. 100% of the total booking cost will be charged for cancellations and/or no-show reservations within the 72 hour time frame of your scheduled booking.


100% of the booking is due at the time of scheduling. If you reschedule before  14 days of the booking date, there will be a rescheduling fee of 50% of the total booking for a new date. 100% of the total booking cost will be charged for cancellations and/or no-show reservations within the 14 day time frame of your scheduled booking. 

All fees must be paid prior to rebooking services. All travel expenses must be paid in advance and are non-refundable if rebooking is not available. Upon purchase, you agree to payment in full, regardless of payment plans offered, perceived completeness, or level of satisfaction with said purchase.


Goddess Flow International does not represent that services will meet your requirements; will be uninterrupted, timely, error free, or secure; or that any results obtained from using the Services will be accurate, complete, or current.

For private services, In the event that the User is charged a 'no-call, no-show' or other cancellation fee, they will be able to rebook when all fees are paid. If the fees are not paid in full within this period, the User understands they will forfeit the remaining balance of the service to be considered a donation to the Goddess Flow International. Group services are not able to be rescheduled or credited.


Neither Goddess Flow International, its coaches or agents are liable for any damages arising from errors caused by negligence or a User’s inability to utilize the Services in question. Goddess Flow International is not liable for delays in provision of obligations or Services purchased or issues regarding factors beyond our control. Users agree to sign up or purchase Services at their own risk.


Goddess Flow International reserves the right to offer promotions and special pricing for all or a selection of Users; these are subject to change at any time.


The User understands Goddess Flow International may need to postpone, move up, or reschedule appointments at any time. The User does not hold Goddess Flow International or any coach or consultant liable for missed appointments or delays in scheduling. Goddess Flow International has the right to decide when to enforce the cancellation policy and may terminate service at any time, without refund.


In adhering to these terms and conditions, Goddess Flow International may modify, block, suspend, terminate, or otherwise disengage Users at any time, including any decisions within our legal rights on social platforms such as YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram. If a User does not agree to these terms, or any new terms set forth, the User must discontinue use of the site, and cease engagement with any Goddess Flow International produced content online.


Goddess Flow International is not liable for Users experiences on social sites such as YouTube, Instagram, and Facebook, or any services the client chooses to have access to at the client's sole discretion. While users may consult and connect with others, share information, and recommend products and services, Goddess Flow International is not responsible for the safety, legality, or accuracy of anything said or written by Users. Users agree to exercise caution, use common sense, and discretion when using the Site, accessing Goddess Flow International content via social platforms, or using in person services. Any disputes between one User and another User will be arbitrated between these Users at their expense; Users agree to release Goddess Flow International of any liability or cost associated with such claims.

You will not use any Goddess Flow International related site or social platform to conduct or transmit objectionable communications or material of any kind, to include: illegal discussion or content; harassment, threats, or abuse; defamatory, harmful, or libelous content; or racist or vulgar commentary. You will respect the privacy of all Users.

Readings and meditations looking to future events are based on possibilities, probabilities, and potentials at the time and date thereof, which are influenced by the actions or inaction of the User and others; due to the nature of this Service, accuracy of future events is not guaranteed via coaching or consultation sessions. Goddess Flow International does not feature mediums (or similar styles and services).


This Arbitration Provision is intended to apply to the resolution of disputed that otherwise would be resolved in a court of law or a forum other than arbitration, and you and Goddess Flow International agree that any legal dispute or controversy covered by this Arbitration Provision, or arising out of, relating to, or concerning the validity, enforceability, or breach, shall be resolved by binding arbitration, to be held (unless the parties agree in writing otherwise) within 45 miles of Pensacola, Florida or where Goddess Flow International last provided Services under this User Agreement.


By entering into this Arbitration Provision, you agree to arbitrate disputes with any entity or individual, and waive your right to have such disputes resolved by a trial by a jury or judge, arising out of or related to this User Agreement, privacy, your relationship with Goddess Flow International, the termination of that relationship, unfair competition, discrimination or harassment, defamation, slander and libel, city or state statutes or regulations addressing the same or similar subject matters, and all other federal or state legal claims arising out of or relating to this relationship, including, but not limited to, claims that may be asserted for any post-relationship conduct or time periods, such as defamation or retaliation.

This applies to any dispute caused by or connected to this agreement, your relationship with Goddess Flow International or one of its coaches, consultants, or agents, the termination of that relationship, or any other aspect of your relationship with Goddess Flow International, regardless of such dispute’s date of accrual. This Arbitration Provision continues in effect after and survives the termination of any relationship between the parties.

You and Goddess Flow International agree to resolve any dispute in arbitration on an individual basis only, and not on a class or collective action basis ("Class Action Waiver"). The arbitrator shall have no authority to consider or resolve any claim or issue any relief on any basis other than an individual basis, and shall not do so on a class or collective action basis. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Arbitration Provision, disputes regarding the enforceability, revocability, or validity of this Class Action Waiver may be resolved only by a civil court of competent jurisdiction and not by an arbitrator. In any case in which: (i) the dispute is filed as a class or collective action; and (ii) there is a final judicial determination that all or part of the Class Action Waiver is unenforceable, the class and/or collective action to that extent must be litigated in a civil court of competent jurisdiction, but the portion of the Class Action Waiver that is enforceable shall be enforced in arbitration           


© 2024 Goddess Flow International,   All rights reserved.  

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