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Weave Your Future Golden - Now is Your Time to Design Your New Reality

Spirit woke me up to receive a divine message for those listening and following the guides of the light. Fear not Beloved, Spirit is with you always guiding, teaching, and showing the way back to your light. The way, the truth, the life within…the light of the world…hidden yet attainable…the fire within your being.

Now is the Time to Design Your New Reality...Now is the time to Weave Your Future Golden ~

The Message:

A divine visitation from Grandmother Spider. As I woke, got out of my bed, eyes still between dream state and awakening, I seen an almost invisible spider, it looked beige and big as a small crab, crawling up and over my window above my bed.

I closed and opened my eyes to focus and make sure I was seeing what I was seeing and for sure, every time I refocused my vision, the spider kept crawling above my bed and over my window. I then went to turn on the light and it was gone.

The spider spirit brings protection, wisdom, encouragement to keep going, be persistent, be creative, and weave your golden future, attracting, building a web of Alignment with your intentions with purpose and precision.

Spirit is calling you to create the life you desire. Create with your core intentions. Focus on what you desire to flow in your life and give no energy to the toxicities plaguing your mind, body, and life divine soul. Healing starts within you. Manifesting starts within you. 

~Follow your Divine Light within to your golden crown now~


For guidance and support on your spiritual journey, to heal and cleanse out the old energies, to start weaving your golden path of purpose, to begin embodying your divine light within…let's connect and create magic together.

Divine Offerings:


Are you desiring to manifest love with intentional power? Check out my new Manifesting Love Affirmation Journal full of affirmations to embody the love vibration and frequency and begin to attract the divine love you seek.

Link to purchase on Amazon!

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Sending you the freedom to love deeply…

The freedom of peace…

The freedom to shine your light…

The freedom to be deeply loved

& Freedom of mind, body, & Soul༄

Everything you need is already within you Cosmic One 💫Love and Light to You, Peace and Love Beloved Always,

Deanna ૐ  Dhyana

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