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Love Vibration: Aligning With Divine Union Within You - Root to Crown Activation - To Attract Divine Love

Inner Union for Divine Union! If you desire it…align with it, cultivate that energy, and you will attract it!

Cultivate The ENERGY on the INSIDE that you desire and seek so it can FLOW to you༄

Who you are is limited by who you THINK you are ..What you receive is limited to what you THINK you can receive…

I heard inner union to Divine Union…as above so below…as within so without…out of the darkness and into the light…The Divine Sweet Nectar of Love…selah selah

When the LOVE frequency speaks Anita Baker “Sweet Love” & “Caught Up in the Rapture” flavor in your ear during a reading….ooooooohhhh the love Vibration about to EXPLODE❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️!!! Go Listen and speak it as though it already is…feel it and VIBE IN THAT VIBRATION OF DIVINE SACRED LOVE!


I believe if you believe you can have something you shall. What you receive is limited by only what you THINK you can receive…

Do you believe you can receive sweet divine love? A love you pour into and that same magic pours back into you and you both complete and fully fill each other…✨👑✨

I created a manifesting journal just for love because I know if the energy within you aligns with the love you seek, the love you seek will begin seeking you. It's the law of attraction…The law of the universe…it's good karma at its finest!!!

Cultivate the energy you desire to come back to you and Test and see if the universe will bring to your doorstep LOVE like never before. Trust, believe, and open to receive.

Vibration, Frequency, ENERGY!!!

Get my free root to crown activation in my Goddess Body Immersion free trial masterclass to start activating NOW!

And if you're manifesting LOVE, Get my book The Manifesting Love Affirmation Journal to get into the vibration of love so you can begin to attract that same vibration back to you!

⚡It's all about ENERGY ⚡

Ase' Ase' OM Ase' and so shall it be for all who seek it!

Get the full reading on Deanna ૐ  Dhyana YouTube Channel 💫

For guidance and support on your spiritual journey, to heal and cleanse out the old energies, to start weaving your golden path of purpose, to begin embodying your divine light within…let's connect and create magic together.

Divine Offerings:


Are you desiring to manifest love with intentional power? Check out my new Manifesting Love Affirmation Journal full of affirmations to embody the love vibration and frequency and begin to attract the divine love you seek.

Link to purchase on Amazon!

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Sending you the freedom to love deeply…

The freedom of peace…

The freedom to shine your light…

The freedom to be deeply loved

& Freedom of mind, body, & Soul༄

Love Love Love and Divine Light and Peace always,

Deanna ૐ  Dhyana

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