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Intentional Flow through Goddess Energy Embodiment for Liberation of Mind, Body, & Soul with Goddess Flow

Liberation begins with intention…intention begins within!

Intention: Intention is what you intend, desire, and aspire to make happen

Flow: Flow is the fluid movement of energy in your intended direction

Goddess Energy: Goddess energy is the divine essence within you connecting your to the Source and Power of all creation

Embodiment: Embodiment is the internalization and the flow of energy from within to the outer and from the outer within, encompassing the depths of your being

Liberation: Liberation is the freedom from standards, norms, and ideals of others to live freely from and through your own being

In Goddess Flow you are embodying your intentions, activating divine source energy to flow through your energy centers, awakening your Goddess energy and power to create the life you desire intentionally. It's all about awakening into your limitless potential and divine feminine power to flow through releasing the old stagnant timelines held within your energy centers and embodying your true core intentions throughout your entire being so that the frequency you are vibrating at resonates with that you desire to call back to you and nothing else!!!

The Divine Power within you awaits activation by your acceptance of your true divine nature and power to Flow. This power lies dormant until you activate it and then you must cultivate it, nurture it, like a seed to plant, with consistency, to elevate into your goddess energy and flow.

Think of the butterfly’s transformation of it's lower self into its higher and most beautiful version. There are stages in our development and there are signs and intuition within that push us to make the moves towards our transformation. No one has to tell the butterfly to get into the cocoon to transform, they innately already know. We too already know, though you may need spiritual guides to nudge you along the way, your soul always knows the way.

Liberation begins with intention and intention begins within you...within your cocoon and then you break free into the beautiful being you were created to be.

Knowing what it is you want and dream to be, to do, and to flow into does not only have to be a DREAM, but in the right heart, and the right mind, and the right alignment, you can materialize any thoughts into matter.

Flow into your Liberation with intention…

Flow into your freedom with power…

I CAN do anything I put my mind to!

EVERYTHING I touch turns to gold!

I WILL succeed in everything I do!

I AM OM, the vibration of the universe in motion, and I create with Divine Cosmic Power!

Today is a day to remember your freedom, as above…so below…as within so all around you!

Let it be so Beloved!

Life is a dance of activating your Liberation!

Life is a cosmic intentional flow of embodiment!

Enjoy this mini embodiment session and if you desire more help and support, my programs are here to assist you on your journey to freedom and power form the inside out!

Where has you energy been lacking? How has this been manifesting in your life? What are you doing to alchemize this energy with intention?

From freedom, to freedom, to freedom…to ultimate Divine Embodiment༄

Ase' Ase' OM Ase' 

Join our next FREE monthly Masterclass to learn more on how you can alchemize negative stagnant energy into divine goddess flow and get 2 free root to crown activations!

Link in below to connect and learn more!

Sending you the freedom to love deeply…

The freedom of peace…

The freedom to shine your light…

The freedom to be deeply loved

& Freedom of mind, body, & Soul༄

Deanna ૐ  Dhyana

Are you desiring to manifest love with intentional power? Check out my new Manifesting Love Affirmation Journal full of affirmations to embody the love vibration and frequency and begin to attract the divine love you seek.

Link to purchase on Amazon!

Hers Version:

His Version:

For more help and support in shifting into your new, your best, your power within you, consider one of my offerings.

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Claim your free Goddess Flow Fire Chakra Dance Masterclass:

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