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Fire Up & Energize Your Mind, Body, & Soul with Goddess Flow Fire Solar Plexus Activation

By Aligning With Your Soul Intentions and channeling through the chakras, you are Transforming stagnant energy, catapulting the movement of life force energy from the inside out!

First you create the energy through connecting to Source within, alchemizing any negative emotions, fears, doubts, disappointments...any alter vibrations and frequencies, into love, peace, joy, and feeling of empowerment knowing that anything you set your mind to can be done and anything you desire can be attracted through embodiment.

Embodiment is the internalizing the high vibration of divine frequency throughout every part of your being. By focusing on your intentions and that which you truly desire to flow, you are awakening the life force energy within you and cleansing out the lower vibrations.

Goddess Flow Fire is a mind, body, soul movement based on ancient healing arts practices created to heal, restore, rebalance, awaken, and re-energize every part of your being with the focus on activating the power of the solar plexus to embody the vibration of weight loss that STAYS OFF!

For true weight loss success there must be a mindset shift. Without the energetic shift of the mind, the bodily results are always temporary!

Trust me! I've been every weight in the past 15 years from 125 to 200, riding the weight roller coaster and the common denominators are MINDSET, MOTIVATION, & CONFIDENCE!

Through Intentions into affirmations into movement into breath into meditation, you are EMBODYING your divine nature to create the body YOU DESIRE, remaining grounded in...





Learn how to radiate this solar plexus power through Goddess Flow Fire 🔥

Try my free intro masterclass to start alchemizing brass energy into golden energy so you vibe high and soar into your beautiful goddess body 🙏

If you desire more, get the full 12 week online program which includes 12 weeks of divine guidance, fire masterclasses and meditations, meals plans, and more! 

This new year it's time to LOVE FULLY ON YOU!

You can also try a snippet of one of the alchemy sessions now below! Check it out below!

Sending you so much love and light and peace and joy filled with Divine Love Vibration Always 👑

Deanna ૐ  Dhyana

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