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111 Portal~ Kuan Yin New Moon Flow ~ Heal, Activate , & Manifest with New Moon Energy

This 1/11 new moon aligns with the 111 portal, a time to heal, activate, and manifest in alignment with your intentions and divine design with multiplied cosmic ENERGY!!!

Every new moon you can join me for The Goddess Flow Kuan Yin New Moon Sacred Womb Circle - A Gathering of Divine Feminine Energy for Healing, Activation, & Embodiment, cleansing the sacred womb to MANIFEST WITH CREATION POWER!!!

This 2- Hour Sacred Journey includes:

~Opening Prayer Invocation and Sage Clearing

~Kuan Yin Oracle reading

~Guided visualization meditation

~New moon Journaling and scripting

~Sacred Womb Crystal and Essential oil Cleansing and Clearing

~Sacred Womb Goddess Music Mantras

~Goddess Flow Kuan Yin - Rising Lotus Flow & Sacred Lotus flow

~Dance of celebration and freedom

~Closing Meditation and Palo Santo Sealing

These ancient healing arts help you awaken to your divine essence within by cleansing any lingering toxic energies, focused in the Sacral Chakra womb portal, alchemizing into the flow of divine source energy, radiating this transformed energy throughout your being for divine self-healing and EMPOWERMENT!

You cannot manifest in stagnant energy! Your intentions will remain stagnant until you cleanse, clear, and get into your flow༄

Learn how to MOVE the life force within you in alignment with the new moon and 111 energy✨

Watch how we MOVE ENERGY into alignment in the Goddess Flow Kuan Yin New Moon Sacred Womb Circle!

All masterclasses are free with membership!!!

Activate membership now FREE with a 7 day FREE TRIAL and get 2 LIVE monthly Masterclass sessions plus The Kuan Yin Course FREE!

Link below to learn more!

Love & Light to Manifest Beautifully with Peace and more Love in DIVINE FEMININE POWER💫

Ase' Ase' OM Ase'

Deanna ૐ  Dhyana

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