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About Goddess Flow?

Founded officially in 2023, Goddess Flow International was created through divine revelation by CEO and Founder, Deanna ૐ where she was given a vision to give birth to the embodied transformation into her own soul purpose, passion, and power, and through her own personal healing and empowerment, Goddess Flow International was born.

Goddess Flow International was created as a sanctuary of beauty, freedom, and power for the divine collective to cultivate emPOWERMENT from within through intuitively healing arts and embodiment coaching. Through connecting with your goddess power within you, you are able to heal old wounds, cut cords, empower your gifts, raise your vibration and frequency, so that you can be the healer and empowered empress in your world without limitation.


Through the ancient healing arts of energy alchemy, dance medicine journeys, and a variety of divinely guided flow, you open the gateway for transformation and divine power embodied from the inside out.

Whether you’re a seasoned healer, teacher, dancer, yogi, or a curious beginner on your spiritual journey, we welcome you to open to the deep levels of your embodied liberation through the divine guidance of the Goddess Flow practice!

Why Goddess Flow?

At Goddess Flow International we integrate the arts of ancient inner alchemy with sacred  movement to harness your divine purpose, power, and passion and become the master of your life! Our unique approach to holistic healing and empowerment takes you on a journey into the conscious, connected, rhythm of your soul.

Goddess Flow International is a school for the intuitive healing arts and our programs encompass an innovative blend of energy healing, channeled dance therapy, divine transmission, meditation, affirmation, and breathwork, with the focus on the core intentions. With this innovative approach to emPOWERMENT and conscious creation, you are able to balance your energy system, remove the barriers of limiting beliefs,  activate your power of love, abundance, and self-confidence, embody your freedom, and be empowered to manifest a life that is in alignment with your divine design for harmonious flow!

Supported by the science of quantum physics, somatic kundalini movement, and the ancient Kemetic and Yogic healing arts and sciences, this practice effectively clears blockages in the body, mind, heart, and spirit and opens the gateway to embody the mindset of the empowered goddess!

Goddess Flow International is here to serve you with online coaching programs as well as all-inclusive immersion retreats.

As you dance this meditative dance of oneness, you engage with your shadow self to release toxic patterns and emotional baggage, activating the energy system with the positive vibration of the intentions, thereby awakening fully Embodied consciousness with continued practice.


This transformative process fosters a connection with one's profound purpose, passion, and power and opens the gateway to ultimate bliss.


This art of self-love and healing facilitates growth, harmony, and balance, from the inside out for ultimate health and wellness, as above, so below, as within so without. Awaken to Embody your divine goddess power within, mind, body, and spirit with Goddess Flow!

Our mission is to heal and empower others by igniting the gateway of life force energy within, so that you too may heal and empower the world!




The Goddess Flow Method


Intuitive Healing Arts is a holistic approach to healing that utilizes divine intuition, inner wisdom, and ancient knowledge to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. All Goddess Flow healing arts have been developed through divine transmission and guidance and each session is uniquely guided by intuitive flow. Therefore, no session will be the same as we tune into the energy needed in the moment which has also proven to be timeless for every moment to come.


Goddess Flow Embodied Dance is an alchemical dance of the chakras, a holistic energy healing movement from root to crown. By working through the energy centers, our gateway of light within our being, we are able to cleanse, heal, and purify lower vibrations of negativity, fear, doubt, lack, etc. into higher levels of being in peace, love, light, abundance, and enlightenment.


Goddess Flow embodied dance guides you to soul liberation through a unique combination of intuitive flow with guided movement and mudra, music specifically curated for each chakra, breathwork, affirmations, and meditation, healing the mind and body of these stored toxic energies and blockages to reconnect with the depths of self, bringing in harmony and union from the inside out.


Meditation calms the mind, brings you back to your heart center, and connects you with the divine energies available to help you on your journey back to oneness. Through guided meditation the energy of the intentions is dispersed throughout your being, embodying the vibration and frequency of the manifestation. Some additional benefits to meditation: relaxes the nervous system and lowers stress, reduces anxiety and helps you to ground your energy, enhances mental health, improves self-awareness, helps in releasing the past into more peace and balance, helps you to radiate divine love and light energy, reduces memory loss, higher sense of spiritual awakening and freedom, helps you center in the present moment, as well as inner bliss, belonging, and connection to all.


Affirmations reprogram your subconscious mind, strengthen inner belief and self-concept, and instill a sense of empowerment and self-confidence in our abilities. Goddess Flow weaves chakra specific affirmations and aligns them with the intentions to cultivate the new reality desired to be created within one’s being, releasing the fear, the shame, the anger into the true essence of who you are, which is complete unconditional divine love. In this frequency you have the power to attract all things to you through this created magnetism.


Visualization also enhances inner belief and self-concept. Visualization reinforces positive beliefs through the embodiment of the vision and activates the same neural pathways in our brain as actual experiences. Strengthening our ability to succeed. 


In the Goddess Flow healing arts we use visualization as intuitively guided in meditation and movement, especially in the third eye, where we create the vision in our mind’s eye painting the picture. The visualization used in Goddess Flow healing arts connects you to the feelings, emotions, and presence of being in the state of receiving now.

Embodiment is full mind, body, soul connection where we have fully transmuted and alchemized the lower vibrations into the higher vibrations we seek. It is the actualization of thought into matter and being, an alchemy of the soul, where you feel connected and attuned to the fullness of who you are. As within, so without! What we cultivate within ourselves, or what we embody, is what we attract. 


In Goddess Flow we focus on the intentions and raise this energy up through the chakra system to come into full alignment, enlightenment, and embodiment of one’s complete and whole being.


In the Goddess Flow practice you are empowered to achieve your goals and create a life aligned with your aspirations. By repeatedly affirming and Embodying the manifestation, you strengthen the neural pathways associated with your desired reality.


You have the power to create your own reality now and all it takes is the flip of the switch, and the cultivation through practice. Daily practice, consistency, and inspired action, are key to cultivating your new reality.

Quantum Healing

This approach is based on quantum physics principles, which suggest that everything in the universe is made up of energy. In Goddess Flow we use intuitively guided Quantum healing tools like meditation, meditative yogic dance, pranic breathing, affirmations, and yoga postures which helps in reducing stress and anxiety, improving mental clarity and focus, and re-balancing the body. 

Somatic Kundalini Movement

The Goddess Flow movement focuses your attention on the intentions and guides you to release the stored negative energies within the chakras to clear your energy channel, healing layer by layer, and raising the kundalini energy up to balance the energy system and bring harmony and union within oneself.

Satguru Kaur writes

“Somatic Experiencing is a tool used to heal deep-seated trauma, healing layer by layer, whether it’s physical, emotional, psychological, mental or spiritual. Somatic Kundalini is open to anyone who suffers from anxiety, nervous system dis-functions, depression, PTSD symptoms, anyone who feels something is trapped within them and want to be freed of “stuck” energy in their mind-body connection. Once we free up the trauma frozen energy in the nervous system, the client finds they have more quality Prana (life force energy) and vitality hence increasing their quality of life."


Kemetic & Yogic Healing Arts


Goddess Flow weaves mudras, sacred geometry symbols, and mantra into the movement, ancient kemetic and yogic practices, which help to move the energy throughout the body in order to connect with one's higher intelligence within, release ancestral trauma, and balance the union (yoga) of mind, body, and soul (merkabah) to achieve the deepest levels of self-awareness and self-realization and awaken to your enlightened purpose and power.


Goddess Flow practices the unification and connectedness of all dimensions of healing and empowerment from within through intuitive guidance. It is a sacred fitness and flow that uplifts the spirit within, inspiring divinity, healing old timelines, nourishing mind and body, and enriching your soul. This is a transformational movement of divine source energy within you so that you can awaken and embody the great power and purpose within you to flow! 



The Root Chakra is to embrace your earth and get ROOTED and grounded in your INTENTIONS. Connect with it…sit in it and dance…rooting your intentions into your earth!

Our Sacral Chakra frees us to be fluid like water so we can CREATE and manifest through our sensual and sacred sexual CREATION power and this opens us up to our deepest pleasures. 


The Solar Plexus unleashes our fire power, RA energy, the I can, I will, self-esteem, AMBITION and PURPOSE, to drive us forward into ACTION


The Heart Chakra gives your intentions flight to SOAR through the air without limit! Opening the gateway of divine love, the highest vibration and frequency, creating a vortex of LOVE fulfilled healing power that connects you to Spirit.


Our Throat Chakra is our truth awakened and ushers in divine communication and affirming your intentions with the power of your WORD! Your word is your wand! Sing it, howl it, speak it, proclaim it, harmonize it, and let it breathe throughout the ETHER.


The Third Eye connects us to visualizing our intentions coming to life, aligned with Divine wisdom, intuition, knowledge, and POWER!  We sink deep into our MIND'S EYE to envision what we desire to flow from our heart center. THINK ON THESE THINGS!


The Crown Chakra is the stairway to heaven, Jacob’s Ladder, connecting us with our limitless potential and enlightened celebration of RECEIVING our manna from heaven. We breathe life into every intention, into every chakra, as we release ourselves into our DIVINE DANCE OF LIFE AND EMBODY OUR FLOW


Goddess Flow is healing…Goddess Flow is divine dance therapy…Goddess Flow is holistic energetic healing for your mind, body, and soul! 

Learn More about DEANNA 🕉 DHYANA

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